Springbrook National Park – nature’s beautiful garden

A fellow adventurer

From Germany

told me

Wenn Engel verreisen, scheint die Sonne

When angels travel the sun shines.

So walking in the sub tropic rain forest

An angel must have been with me

Walking as if in nature’s hand

Trees as old as Gondwanaland 

Thick green forest


Sparkling like diamonds in the sun

Walking in nature’s garden

When angels travel the sky is definitely smiling

Springbrook is a place for angels to travel.

7 thoughts on “Springbrook National Park – nature’s beautiful garden

  1. When I read this, my heart gave a little jump. My mom passed away several years ago and I believe with all my heart that she travels with us. We always have beautiful weather wherever we go, whether it’s Iceland in the middle of winter, the Andes in the middle of the rainy season, London in Spring and many others. I think your German friend has it right!

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