Passion for Spain

Break dancing in Puerto del Sol\


In Puerto del Sol, Madrid

The wild break dancer


On his back

His shoulder



Passion for the night



The dancer

In the Flamenco Cave

The flashing of the legs

The swirling of the skirts

The staccato beating of the feet

Hard on the floor

Driving the beating of the heart

The Dance of Passion

Looking forward to visiting Spain again to indulge the passion

Springbrook National Park – nature’s beautiful garden

A fellow adventurer

From Germany

told me

Wenn Engel verreisen, scheint die Sonne

When angels travel the sun shines.

So walking in the sub tropic rain forest

An angel must have been with me

Walking as if in nature’s hand

Trees as old as Gondwanaland 

Thick green forest


Sparkling like diamonds in the sun

Walking in nature’s garden

When angels travel the sky is definitely smiling

Springbrook is a place for angels to travel.

Waning Moon – Night Sailing



at night

the sky full of the milky way

clear in the darkness


The sea black

the phosphorescence sparkling in the wake of my boat

as she cuts her way through the sea

the light autumn breeze providing her power

silence and darkness


The full moon of Easter has passed

in the last hours of darkness she arises

the waning moon

she sucks the sparkle from the sea

turning it into her own week ribbon of light


Our moods are joined as one

this my last night at sea

the waning of my adventure

dawn will bring my home port and another voyage finished


But like the waning moon

its a phase

in a little while a new cycle will begin

as with the heavens life is a series of cycles

some more spectacular than others

but cycles of the rhythm of life.


I conceived this poem sailing back from Hobart to Melbourne a few years past.  It was a magnificent night and I was off Cape Shank heading west along the Victorian coast when the waning moon rose in the east behind me. The morning would see me clear  The Rip and head for home.