Reflecting on Ireland and the Irish

May the road rise up to meet you

May the wind blow always at your back

May the sun shine warm upon your face

And the rains fall soft upon your fields

Until we meet again

So goes the old Irish Blessing.


Ireland, the soft green place of damp air, great learning, amazing friendliness and intense struggle

Monument to Irish immigrants

The Irish diaspora spread all around the world

The contrasts of Ireland so stark

From the halls of Trinity College

To the murals that are are a record of the troubles found in Derry

And of course the contrast is an actual divide

The north and the south, the Republic and the British

Can this divide be overcome?

People of good will can achieve anything

Peace statue Derry

And on the border of Derry and Donegal bikers from both of the border come together to raise funds for a lifeboat in a little village in the Republic

2 thoughts on “Reflecting on Ireland and the Irish

  1. lesleyconnor – Narooma, NSW Australia – Lesley and Ian are fifty-something empty nesters living on the pristine south coast of NSW, Australia. Lesley is a retired journalist, combining her passions for travel and writing with Ian's love of photography to share our recent and upcoming travels. We provide travel tips and info on the places we have visited to inspire fellow over 50 travellers, as well as local knowledge on Australian travel
    lesleyconnor says:

    A great reminder that their is so much more to Ireland than misty green fields

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