The Bunya Mountains and environs – SE Queensland

The Bunya Pine is an ancient tree, a living fossil from the age of the dinosaurs

These magnificent trees are very rare and found in only a couple areas of Queensland.

The Bunya Mountains lay west of Brisbane, the capital city Queensland

In an area called the Scenic Rim

The road to the Bunya Mountains takes you through the Somerset Region

An area with an interesting history and some great riding roads.

The historic town of Marburg has some very beautifully restore light timber framed buildings typical of Queenland early construction

The hotel is beautiful, well restored good food and a cold beer.

There is the old seminary which is now a winery, reception centre and accommodation is another insight into the early days of local European settlement

The Bunya Pine in the seminary grounds a reminder that this is the right track to the Bunya mountains

Coomba Waterhole is virtually at the base of Bunya Mountain a nice stop off .

The area had recently been burnt in bushfires and the fire tolerant Balga Grass Trees were flourishing as part of the regeneration.

The Bunya Mountain was declared a National Park in 1901 and there are beautiful walks through the forest

The Bunya pines grow higher than the forest canopy, which is mainly eucalypts. These eucalypts grow to about 45 metres high buy Bunya Pines of over 60 metres have been recorded

When you look across to the forest from the mountain lookout. You can see the Bunya Pines sticking their prehistoric heads out above the forest canopy.

Bunya Mountain is a rare and beautiful place to visit

5 thoughts on “The Bunya Mountains and environs – SE Queensland

  1. D.Madland – Oakland, CA – I love to ride my motorcycle, but I love it even more when I'm riding towards a new place to explore. Camping, backpacking and motorcycles are a perfect threesome in my eyes. Hot coffee, sunrises, ghost towns, trail heads, red rocks, desert oddities, UFOs, and Big Foot are all topics you might hear about in my journeys. My hope is to inspire women motorcyclists to get out there and as Nike so aptly put it: "Just Do It".
    D.Madland says:

    I didn’t know about the Bunya pines that is so cool! Beautiful photos.

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